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LEMS Language Acquisition

Lucile Erwin Middle School

Language Policy


The faculty has created this policy in order to:

  • Communicate clear guidelines to all school stakeholders regarding the teaching of language and the inclusion of English Language Learners in Lucile Erwin Middle School by defining our practice in the context of the guidelines outlined by the Thompson School District, State of Colorado, and the International Baccalaureate Organization.
  • Support the mission and vision, as well as Thompson School District Board Policy regarding language education.
  • Establish clear expectations and responsibilities for all stakeholders in language instruction and the education of English Language Learners pursuing course work through the MYP Programme.



The faculty believes that all teachers are language teachers with responsibilities for facilitating written, verbal, and visual communication. Our goal is to establish an engaging academic setting in which students learn and excel in Language and Lit and Language Acquisition.

Language is recognized as one of the elements that connect content across the curriculum. In all subject groups, students are expected to proficiently reflect on, communicate, and present written, oral, and visual knowledge and ideas (in the broadest sense of these words).

Lucile Erwin offers the Middle Years Programme in partnership with Loveland High School; our intent is to have a language policy that is consistent with both schools.


Through our Language Policy, we will guarantee that:

  • A comprehensive Language Acquisition curriculum is provided for students, offering the choice of French and Spanish through years 1-3 of the MYP programme.  This Language Acquisition curriculum will be built upon students’ previous study of French and Spanish each year of the programme.
  • Any native speakers will be enrolled in a Language Acquisition course for a language other than their mother tongue.
  • Non-native English speakers have the option to pursue a second Language in their native language given that they can read, write, speak, and listen at the advanced-low proficiency level in that language.  Any student wishing to pursue this option would do so as a Language A self-taught student, with the approval of the IB Coordinator.   
  • Practices are in place to ensure equity of access for students who are learning in a language other than their mother tongue, so that non-proficient English Language Learners have the same opportunities.  These students have been identified as ELD**.
  • As ELD students are producing written and oral work in a language other than their mother tongue, we recognize that the communication of ideas and content area knowledge plays a greater role in assessment than usage and mechanics.  All appropriate accommodations will be made for ELD students.
  • We will continually develop strategies that best support language learners by:
  • Planning lessons according to the appropriate skill building-level of students through activating students’ knowledge and building upon their previous understanding.
  • Using a variety of teaching strategies designed to foster student success in language learning.
  • These activities may include, but are not limited to, inquiry-based teaching methods, Socratic seminars, small group discussions and projects, presentations, interpersonal conversation, writing assignments, and student reflection through journals and/or response to literature.
  • Evaluating students’ oral and written expression based upon the requirements the MYP programme and State Academic Standards.
  • Lucile Erwin promotes multiculturalism by embracing and celebrating diverse values and cultural traditions. This is done through all groups by curriculum choice as well as community interaction.
  • All documentation is translated, as needed, into the mother tongue of our students and maintained on record.



This policy will be reviewed every two years, or as procedures outlining ELD and/or world languages education change.


*At LEMS, Language A is the MYP Language and Literature course.  This course is taught in English.  The Language Acquisition courses at LEMS include French, Spanish.  MYP Language B courses are also aligned with the Colorado Academic World Language Standards and the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.

**The English Language Development (ELD) Program is designed to aid students whose mother tongue is not English. Thompson School District provides a research-based language instructional program for all identified K-12 ELL students. ELL students receive instruction in English in the regular classroom setting, and English language acquisition classes with the ELL instructor for part of their day. Lucile Erwin Middle School School follows the English language development standards, benchmarks, and indicators that have been set forth by the state of Colorado. WIDA Can-Do performance indicators outline the expectations of English Language Learners at all levels.

Last updated: 11/2014

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