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Student Expectations

LEMS Student Expectations Information Overview

Since various questions frequently come up related to key student expectations, the information that follows is intended to address many of those questions, as well as to give some information about important topics. Obviously, no document can cover everything, but this highlights issues that most frequently occur. With your student, please review and contact me (Tom Altepeter, assistant principal, or 970-613-7604) regarding any questions you may have.


- Unknown or unexcused absences result in discipline referrals and detentions (being late or tardy excessively results in the same thing)

- District policy aligned with state law related to attendance is used and enforced

- Always turn in medical documentation (appointments and excuses), as those absences are exempt

- Letter automatically distributed after 7 absences

- Another letter automatically distributed after 10 absences

- Only medical documentation (appointments and excuses) after 10 absences (medical documentation includes our health office seeing and sending a student home)

- Communication with school is important, attendance contracts may need to be put into place, and our district truancy prevention staff member moves to court action if necessary after multiple attempts to improve student attendance

Conflict resolution

- Hallways, pod areas, cafeteria, outside, classrooms - basically, any place where many students are around - never work as places for students to try to resolve conflict with one another

- Students may ask counseling or administration for facilitated help, or even a quiet and safe space to have a conversation (mutually agreed upon by students) within safe distance of an adult

- Report anything and everything that seems even remotely concerning, as we'd much rather intervene and investigate, etc. instead of trying to "clean things up" after it's "too late"

Dress code

- Biggest issues center around hats, as well as clothing that is too revealing for a school setting

- Second major issue centers around anything that is inappropriate for the school setting and the middle school age group (examples include alcohol/drugs or inappropriate language showing)

- Third major issue centers around anything that can be viewed as gang related (not necessarily that the student is in a gang, claiming, or attempting to claim gang affiliation) - displaying what seems to be a purposeful representation of colors (including bandannas), displaying what seems to be a purposeful representation of numerical (13 or 14, as examples) or directional (north/south/east/west) details, clothing used purposely or not to symbolically represent gang affiliation (examples include Marilyn Monroe, ICP, or glorification of gang related individuals or groups)


- Expect a referral to police

- If you have any ability whatsoever to remove yourself from a situation, but instead choose to engage physically - regardless of who "started" the fight - you will face consequences for fighting, as this would not constitute self defense

Inappropriate items

- Obviously weapons and alcohol/drugs/drug paraphernalia (expect a referral to police)

- Also items such as lighters, fireworks, tobacco, and vaping related items (confiscation)

- Immediately turn in discovered or found items, and there are no issues

Personal Electronic Devices

In order to take advantage of current technology trends, teachers at Lucile Erwin Middle School may allow students to use their personal electronic devices, such as phones, tablets, and laptops in classroom situations where those devices improve the learning environment. It is up to the individual teacher to decide when and how those devices are to be used. It is also up to the individual teacher to decide if devices will be collected during instructional periods of time, with students only retrieving them when instructed to do so, and/or at the end of the class period.

As with any use of electronics, if a student misuses the device, teachers will confiscate the device. For a first offense, a student will need to retrieve the device from the teacher at the end of the school day. For second offenses and beyond, parents will need to retrieve the device from the teacher. Pervasive issues may result in the student needing to keep the device at home, or check it in and out from the office each day. Misuse of personal electronic devices includes using it when not permitted to do so, and inappropriate use even when devices are allowed. During instructional periods of time, students may only use devices when teachers explicitly give directions to do so. Students are allowed to use devices at any time during passing periods and/or lunch.

It is the student’s choice to bring personal electronic devices to school, and Lucile Erwin Middle School accepts no responsibility should any of these devices be damaged, lost, or stolen.

Sexting and/or inappropriate use of social media and/or messaging

- We have been involved in dealing with consistently increasing numbers of situations where students are pressuring others for inappropriate photos, sharing with others inappropriate photos not mutually exchanged, and/or sharing inappropriate photos of others with the intention of opening others up to ridicule or worse

- Parents: It's happening far more than you realize - please monitor activity and be aware of what is happening with your child and their devices - plenty of tools (apps) exist to help you do this (restrictions, tracking, finding hidden places of images, etc.)

- Students: Anything said or shared electronically is out there for always, and relatively easy to access - make wise choices (basically, if you wouldn't do it with any responsible adult sitting next to you, don't do it)

- Expect a referral to police

- Devices containing illicit material may be seized by law enforcement for evidentiary purposes

Student expectations related to administration, school resource officer, & communication

- It is very common for our school resource officer (Jay Smith, Loveland Police Department, or 970-613-7638) to be present when administration in addressing student issues

- A student is not in custody, and is always free to leave, when the school resource officer is present and involved along with administration

- Parents will be notified before law enforcement interviews any child who is in police custody

- Parents receive communication if their child is getting consequences, but parents may or may not receive communication if their child is not getting consequences (typically higher level concerns result in phone calls, and lower level concerns result in e-mailing/mailing the information/discipline referral)

- Any report of a student possibly having drugs, weapons, or other items of concern results in searches of the student’s locker, backpack, and items the student has in his or her possession – more than one staff members will be present when the student shares what is in his or her possession, and contact will be made home to indicate a search was done, even if nothing concerning is found in the search

- Report anything and everything that seems even remotely concerning, as we'd much rather intervene and investigate, etc. instead of trying to "clean things up" after it's "too late"

- After school detention (lasting for 30 minutes after school), if assigned, will result in students either walking/biking/skateboarding/scootering, etc. home or a parent picking them up due to district transportation leaving prior to after school detention ending

- Non-violent or non-recommendation for expulsion offenses that result in students receiving in school or out of school suspension may possibly be replaced with parents choosing to attend school with students for the duration of assigned suspension


- No matter how inexpensive or expensive an item is, if you take an item that doesn't belong to you, it's theft, and if you find an item and keep it instead of turning it in immediately, it's theft

- Expect a referral to police

We are here to help students navigate learning and growing, and all the ups and downs that may come with that journey. Our consistent message is that we all make mistakes, and in owning them, accepting the consequences that come from them, and striving not to repeat them, we can learn and grow from them. We care for and believe in every single student in our learning community, and that does not waver regardless of academic or behavioral successes or struggles. Please always contact us if you desire to communicate anything you have questions about or need further guidance with. Thank you!