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School Closings and Late Starts

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please send your child/children to school dressed for the weather. Our district's policy is they still wait outside until the first bell (unless eating breakfast) at 13-14 degrees and above. 13-14 degrees is very chilly so please remind your students to come to school wearing appropriate outer wear. 

School Closings / Late Starts
If you have registered an e-mail address and/or a cell phone text number in Infinite Campus, you will receive late-start or closure messages. The district will also announce on the district website, the district Facebook page ("Thompson School District") and Twitter (@ThompsonR2J).

The superintendent may announce a late-start schedule for the opening of schools if weather or other emergency conditions are severe but not serious enough to close schools. If a decision is made to start schools late, it will be announced no later than 5:30 a.m.

A late start means that all bus routes and school starting times will be delayed 90 minutes.

All bus routes will run as usual only 90 minutes later.
All school start times will be delayed 90 minutes.
All morning kindergarten and preschool programs will begin 90 minutes later than usual.
Afternoon kindergarten will have no delay in their normal start time.
When the district is on a late-start schedule, all schools will be dismissed at normal times and all after-school bus routes will run in the normal order and at the normal times.

If the district decides to cancel school because of inclement weather or other dangerous conditions, these stations will carry the announcement: Radio stations KCOL (600 AM) and KTRR TRI-102.5 (102.5 FM), Denver television stations and the district's television channel, Comcast Cable Channel 14. For route advisories, dial 970-613-5192.

Media sources will be contacted for both school closings and late starts. Information will also be available on the district's school closure line at 970-613-6788 and on the district's website.

If the district has to cancel school after students have already arrived for the day, no child will be sent home on the bus or released to walk home unless a responsible adult has been contacted and the child has a place to go.

When schools are closed, all athletic events and practices are canceled.
Thank you!
LEMS Administration